Monday, December 26, 2011

Eating For Your Life

I am a huge fan of Food TV. I can name all of the celebrity chefs, and I even frequent an occasional Iron Chef restaurant or a Diner, Drive-In, and Dive every so often. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE tasty food. However, I have had a major wake up call with my relationship to food, and this is it: I EAT FOR MY LIFE.

Eat For Your Life
What does that mean? Well, it's a simple concept. Eat foods that promote ongoing health. There are foods that tear us down, and there are foods that build us up. Below is a very powerful video only a few months old from a doctor who suffered from Multiple Sclerosis and is now recovered because of her change in diet.

What Should You Eat?
According to the video, here's what you need: B vitamins, sulfur and antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids.

You get it all from leaves, fruits, berries, and fish...a hunter/gatherer diet. Here's what it looks like:

  1. 3 cups of green leaves (kale, parsley, cooked greens, smoothies, dehydrated kale chips -- daily)

  2. 3 cups of sulfur-rich vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, turnips, collards, rutabaga, radishes, kale, onions, garlic, chives, shallots, mushrooms, asparagus -- daily)

  3. 3 cups of different colored vegetables (beets, carrots, peppers, red cabbage, berries, peaches, and oranges -- daily)

  4. Omega-3 fatty acids (wild fish like salmon and herring, grass-fed meats -- get to know your local farmers -- daily)

  5. Organ meats (liver, hard tongue, gizzards -- weekly)

  6. Iodine (Seaweed -- weekly)

Why Not Just Eat Vitamins? "A to Zinc," Right?
Vitamins aren't bad. However, they are manufactured pills with only the things that we've identified so far from food. In other words, we don't really know all of the nutrients that are in food. So, getting vitamins from pills is not as beneficial as getting them from food directly. The beauty of getting vitamins and nutrients from food is that you get the ones you know about along with the ones that we don't know about. That's really important. When I eat a salad, I'm getting so much more than when I eat a vitamin pill because nature includes more than we can in our fancy little pills.

Say Yes to Shakeology
This is why I sought out Shakeology. It is made out of the Earth's superfoods like sacha inchi, chia, goji berry, pomegranate, astragalus, and many, many others. Vitamins in pill form just simply cannot do what Shakeology does. The only thing done after harvesting each of the fruits and vegetables is powderizing them. They are all natural, and I get the complex combination of vitamins and minerals directly from the fruits and vegetables themselves in ways that I never could from vitamins in pill form...or unless I bought each of the plants separately. Not going to happen...

I keep sharing with people how amazingly important this kind of eating is, and how it's changed my life. You want to change your health? You have to change the way you eat. There's no easy way around it. Like I said, I'm a foodie on some level, but there is a huge difference in my life because I've changed how I eat. Every day, I focus more and more on eating fruits, vegetables, and clean meats. I am striving to do what is suggested in this video, and I know I have a head start because I use Shakeology which has 70+ ingredients that have many of the nutrients discussed in the video above. Find out more of where the ingredients come from here.

I am asking you, whether I know you personally or not, to seriously ask yourself to consider doing exactly what the first video is suggesting...take a major step towards controlling your health in a way that will build you up. You know you owe it to yourself, and you know you deserve to have a healthy life. Is it a shift in how you might be thinking and relating to food? I suspect that if you're anything like me, it's a major shift, but I also suspect that you know that it's a must-do.

Talk to me. I can help you with this. Starting every day with Shakeology is my first step towards reclaiming my health. My wife, who is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, and it's the only thing she will endorse as a medical professional. Why? She saw her cholesterol level drop over 30 points in one month after using it.

You can reach me at You can get more information at my website or at my Shakeology website. This is no joke. Getting healthy foods, knowing what you need to get and how to do it, and doing it are the differences between a healthy long life and a short life filled with sickness.

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